When Macky tells Toadie the story of Jesus humbly washing the feet of his disciples, Toadie finally realizes that there will never be any material gain working for Antonius. So where should he turn?
The answer comes only a little later, when Felix is taunted by some older children, and he runs away. Toadie goes to Marcus to exploit the situation.
Meanwhile, Macky complains to Antonius about Toadie’s love of money and status, and Antonius tells him the story of Jesus helping the group of lepers, and being thanked by only one of them – the foreigner. Moments later, they get the news that Felix is being held for ransom by petty criminals.
As the Masked Rebel, Antonius confronts one of the criminals and intimidates him into telling where Felix is. But Antonius decides to go into the place alone, leaving Macky outside to keep watch. Antonius easily defeats the thugs, who are holding an unharmed Felix, but Antonius’s mask terrifies Felix, and Antonius must remove it to calm him down. That’s when Toadie and Marcus reveal themselves. It was a trap, and Antonius is immediately arrested.
Denying to passers-by that he’s involved in this, a guilt-ridden Macky hurries away with Felix. Later, when Portia goes to visit Antonius in jail, he tells her the story of Peter’s denials, and Portia realizes just how guilty Macky must feel right now.