Bitten by the deadly snake, Macky escapes from the warehouse with Portia. Trying to keep Macky conscious on the way home, Portia gets him to focus on an old story: Joseph’s prophetic dreams.
Macky remains conscious, but not out of danger; once they get home, Antonius puts Macky to bed, but he knows that there’s little that can be done for him. When Portia tells Antonius about Marcus’s plot to kill the Senators, and that she now knows that Antonius is the Masked Rebel, Antonius enlists her in a counterplot to foil Marcus and Toadie. And, because Antonius must not fall under any suspicion, Portia must play the key role.
Overcoming unexpected obstacles at the Senatorial baths, Portia is able to secretly re-direct the flow of the incoming water so that Marcus’s plan boomerangs on him and Toadie. Meanwhile, Macky remains on his sickbed and Sophia tells a frightened Felix how Jesus cured Jairus’s daughter. Soon after, Macky recovers, recalling a childhood snakebite that just might have inoculated him against this most recent bite.