![Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal]()
Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal
IMDb: 6.2 1967 80 min 34 views
“Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal” is Walerian Borowczyk’s first feature-length film and his last animated film. It consists of a ...
![The Games of Angels]()
The Games of Angels
IMDb: 5.7 1967 13 min 14 views
Animated short. Abstract forms in a setting evocative of a concentration camp created by the universe. Based on a series of paintings by the ...
IMDb: 7.1 1967 10 min 21 views
To the sound of trumpets, a collection of pulverised antique bric-a-brac begins to reassemble itself, revealing a stuffed owl, a cornet, a ...