IMDb: 7.1 2017 84 min 27 views
G-Funk is the untold story of three childhood friends from East Long Beach who helped commercialize hip hop by developing a sophisticated and ...
![Porndogs: The Adventures of Sadie]()
Porndogs: The Adventures of Sadie
IMDb: 5.1 2009 82 min 34 views
Sadie, the most beautiful Yellow Lab in the whole wide world, lives an idyllic, pampered life in the suburbs. One day, she comes into heat and ...
![Rhyme & Reason]()
Rhyme & Reason
IMDb: 7.4 1997 90 min 16 views
A study in the world of hip-hop, done mostly with interviews, in order to see why it is as popular as it is today and what the future holds.