![Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure]()
Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure
IMDb: 3.3 2019 90 min 23 views
An ancient Chinese artifact has been stolen by a villainous archaeologist named Dexter. With the help of his Lemming friends, Norm must keep his ...
![Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom]()
Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom
IMDb: 3 2018 91 min 17 views
When Norm returns to New York, he is falsely accused of a crime and must work with his pals to get the case dismissed while also protecting his ...
![Norm of the North]()
Norm of the North
IMDb: 3.4 2016 86 min 22 views
Polar bear Norm and his three Arctic lemming buddies are forced out into the world once their icy home begins melting and breaking apart. Landing ...