Toni arrives to say goodbye to Harley and they have a touching goodbye.
Megan & Chris enjoy married life and they catch a fish. They take it to the pub where Abbey & Vi challenge each other to a beer batter contest. Neither wins as they ultimately can’t tell the difference! Chris & megan return home to be told by Ernie that Megan’s mum is returning home furious that Chris had her daughter committed.
Jennifer suffers the affair in many ways as she is told to leave the pub whilst she tries to eat dinner, she is branded an outcast and Bob is less than supportive however towards the end he offers support but its too little too late. After leaving a letter behind for Daniel, Jennifer drives away to a job in Sydney offered by her Father.
Elly feels guilty about not going to Switzerland wiht the family but can’t handle being around Daniel. She especially wants to see Tom but Claire handles it all really well and even David makes a warm visit. Elly tells Daniel that she will fake being nice at